Monday, November 12, 2012

One Year Out.

A year on my mission has come and gone.  It is crazy how time goes by so fast.  It feels like the other day I was in the MTC or even going around to JCPenny and Macy's for clothes and supplies.  The winter in coming in, so these clothes I bought are coming in handy.  It snowed last week and hasn't since, but has been cold and rained a couple times.
Not much has happened this week.  Our investigators have not been able to meet for a few reasons, but we should be meeting again here pretty soon.  Anyway though, here is a quick rundown of what happened this week:
Monday:  Because it is P-Day, we got our weekly groceries, emailed, and then went to the Zlín Zoo with the Sisters from Uherské Hradiště!  It is voted the best in the Czech Republic.  There were a lot of animals and if you know me, I was mimicking all the animals' sounds.  I tried to share the gospel with the sea lions, but one just came out and yelled at me.  I tried with the elephants and one stuck it's trunk out asking for a Book of Mormon, I didn't have one though.  The sloths ignored me.  The hyenas laughed at me.  But the monkeys were fascinated by the message.  It was a nice little trip.  We came back and had a little bit of time left before we were supposed to work, so we went to the elevators at the "21 Building".  The elevators have no doors and don't stop, but this time they did.  So we got stuck in them for 10 minutes. Then we went back down and at 6pm started working again.  We had a lesson with Ludmila.  She is one of our investigators who knows nothing about the Bible, religion, or anything.  She enjoys our lessons.  We have another lesson with her today.
Tuesday:  We taught a less active member after hepling her clean the building.  We watched Elder Uchtdorf's 'Forget-Me-Not' talk.  Then we went to meet with some other less active members, but they weren't there when we arrived, so we came back and had English class.  We have now 3 new students!  Any other time, we went outside to talk with people.
Wednesday:  We had language study as a district then did a finding exchange on the square in Uherské Hradiště.  We have another one this week.  We came back and had a lesson with a new member, Eva.  She is a great new member and is thinking about serving a mission!  Then we finished up the day with some tracting in and area of Zlín we call Zalešna.
Thursday:  We had a training in Olomouc.  We woke up at 5am and left.  The training was good.  We learned some more acute points of the work that day.  I then had an exchange with the zone leaders.  I served in Olomouc for a day with Elder Gleue.  We had a lesson that night and had dinner with the other missionaries in Olomouc.
Friday:  We continued the exchange with a few lessons.  Then went to visit a member who had a birthday.  His wife made us lunch and we shared a spiritual thought with him and left.  Then we drove back to just outside of Zlín.  Right when we got back my companion, Elder Odell, and I taught the branch president and his family.  Then we travelled home to Zlín.
Saturday:  We had a good amount of lessons on plan, but most fell through.  We went to find less actives instead.  We found one, then had to go home for weekly planning.
Sunday:  We had a conference with Slovakia branches and half of the Czech branches.  The conference was a great time to learn more, grow spiritually, support and sustain leaders, and see some of the members we used to serve.  I saw some members from Brno and also from Ostrava.  It has been a while since then.  I also got to see Ivo.  He is doing well and continues to grow in the gospel.  The speakers at the conference were our mission president, and the member of the 70 in our area.  He and his wife spoke.  They are from Germany, so I got to practice my German.  My Czech is much better though, so for now, I will stick to Czech.  After the conference, we had NO time to chat with people, so we ran out there to catch our train to get to our lesson.  We showed up and our investigators were not there.  So we went home to do our studies for the day.
Nice week, not too many lessons.  I am thankful for all the things I do as a missionary like teaching, strengthening members, etc.  I know this is the Lords work and have a testimony that this gospel is true.  Have a great week everyone and replace fear with faith.
Elder Bahr

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